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When you create a database deployment in Oracle Database Cloud Service, a Compute node is created with a virtual machine image installed and the necessary operating system users are created. You can use the opc users to login to the compute node and execute root command by switching to root user. Since you have access to the compute node and root users access you can install the operating system packages based on your business needs.

In this article we will demonstrate how to install operating system packages on a Oracle Cloud Compute Node.

Steps to Install Operating System Packages

  • Login to the Oracle Cloud Compute Node 
Open PuTTY session on your desktop and enter Compute Node IP address

  • On the left pane, expand “SSH” and select “Auth”. On the right pane, click on “Browse” button. Select the Private Key that matches the Public Key for your Deployment. Click “Open”

  • Enter login as “opc”. This will connect you to the compute node without password

  • Switch to root by executing “sudo -s” command. Confirm that you are switched to root by executing “id” command

  • Verify that the packages you want to install already exist or not. Here I am installing, tigervnc, gedit, firefox, desktop and gnome system monitor packages

  • Verify your Operating System version. Here the OS is OEL and version is 6 with update 8

  • Navigate to the yum repository directory and open the public yum repository file

  • In the file look for your operating system version, example ol6_latest and make sure “enabled=1” is set

  • Next look for operating system base update, example ol6_u8_base and make sure “enabled=1” is set

  • Verify the file is updated successfully

  • Install the package using the yum utility. Here I am installing gedit package

Type y and hit return

We can see that the package installation completed successfully

  • Verify that the package is installed using rpm -qa command

  • Let’s install Tigervnc package 

  • Similarly install the required packages and verify that they are installed successfully


In this article we have learned how to install Operating System packages on the Oracle Cloud Compute node.