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Database Management Services, Oracle Database Management Solution, Oracle Databases

Recently Oracle introduced “Autonomous Health Framework”. Oracle Autonomous Health Framework contains Oracle ORAchk, Oracle EXAchk, and Oracle Trace File Analyzer.

You have access to Oracle Autonomous Health Framework as a value add-on to your existing support contract. There is no additional fee or license required to run Oracle Autonomous Health Framework.


In this article we will learn how to Install, setup and execute AHF for Oracle Exadata Database machine in detail.


Step 1: Download AHF for Linux operating system as shown below. Here we are using the wget command to download file directly to the server. If you don’t have proxy you can download the file MOS to your desktop and copy it the server using WinSCP.


[root@dm01db01 ~]# cd /u01/app/oracle/software/


[root@dm01db01 software]# mkdir Exachk


[root@dm01db01 software]# cd Exachk/


[root@dm01db01 Exachk]# export use_proxy=on

[root@dm01db01 Exachk]# export http_proxy=”webproxy.netsoftmate.come:80/”


  • Download the AHF zip file


[root@dm01db01 Exachk]# wget  – –http-password=************ –no-check-certificate – “”


  • Download the latest cvu. This will be used by the exachk to run the cluster verification


[root@dm01db01 Exachk]# wget  – –http-password=************ –no-check-certificate – “”


[root@dm01db01 Exachk]# ls -ltr

total 356748

-rw-r–r– 1 root root 365267646 Mar 17 16:02

-rw-r–r– 1 root root 293648959 Jul 13  2018


eBook - Oracle Exadata X8M Patching Recipes | Netsoftmate

Step 2:
Unzip the AHF zip file


[root@dm01db01 Exachk]# unzip


  inflating: README.txt

  inflating: ahf_setup


[root@dm01db01 Exachk]# ./ahf_setup -v

AHF Build ID : 20110020200317092524

AHF Build Platform : Linux

AHF Build Architecture : x86_64


Step 3: Execute the AHF setup


[root@dm01db01 Exachk]# ./ahf_setup


AHF Installer for Platform Linux Architecture x86_64


AHF Installation Log : /tmp/ahf_install_344489_2020_04_06-12_20_51.log


Starting Autonomous Health Framework (AHF) Installation


AHF Version: Build Date: 202003170925


TFA is already installed at : /u01/app/


Installed TFA Version : 122111 Build ID : 20170612164756


Default AHF Location : /opt/oracle.ahf


Do you want to install AHF at [/opt/oracle.ahf] ? [Y]|N : Y


AHF Location : /opt/oracle.ahf


AHF Data Directory stores diagnostic collections and metadata.

AHF Data Directory requires at least 5GB (Recommended 10GB) of free space.


Choose Data Directory from below options :


  1. /u01/app/oracle [Free Space : 50454 MB]
  2. Enter a different Location


Choose Option [1 – 2] : 1


AHF Data Directory : /u01/app/oracle/oracle.ahf/data


exachk scheduler is already running at : /root/Exachk


Installed exachk version : EXACHK  VERSION: 19.2.0_20190717


Stopping exachk scheduler


Copying exachk configuration from /root/Exachk


Shutting down TFA : /u01/app/


Copying TFA Data Files from /u01/app/


Uninstalling TFA : /u01/app/


Do you want to add AHF Notification Email IDs ? [Y]|N : Y


Enter Email IDs separated by space :


AHF will also be installed/upgraded on these Cluster Nodes :


  1. dm01db02
  2. dm01db03
  3. dm01db04


The AHF Location and AHF Data Directory must exist on the above nodes

AHF Location : /opt/oracle.ahf

AHF Data Directory : /u01/app/oracle/oracle.ahf/data


Do you want to install/upgrade AHF on Cluster Nodes ? [Y]|N : Y


Extracting AHF to /opt/oracle.ahf


Configuring TFA Services


Copying TFA Data Files to AHF


Discovering Nodes and Oracle Resources



TFA will configure Storage Cells using SSH Setup:






| 1 | dm01cel01   | ONLINE         |

| 2 | dm01cel02   | ONLINE         |

| 3 | dm01cel03   | ONLINE         |

| 4 | dm01cel04   | ONLINE         |

| 5 | dm01cel05   | ONLINE         |

| 6 | dm01cel06   | ONLINE         |

| 7 | dm01cel07   | ONLINE         |




Not generating certificates as GI discovered


Starting TFA Services



| Host      | Status of TFA | PID    | Port | Version    | Build ID             |


| dm01db01 | RUNNING       | 365382 | 5000 | | 20110020200317092524 |



Running TFA Inventory…


Adding default users to TFA Access list…



|                   Summary of AHF Configuration                   |


| Parameter       | Value                                          |


| AHF Location    | /opt/oracle.ahf                                |

| TFA Location    | /opt/oracle.ahf/tfa                            |

| Exachk Location | /opt/oracle.ahf/exachk                         |

| Data Directory  | /u01/app/oracle/oracle.ahf/data                |

| Repository      | /u01/app/oracle/oracle.ahf/data/repository     |

| Diag Directory  | /u01/app/oracle/oracle.ahf/data/dm01db01/diag |



Retrieving legacy exachk wallet details …

Storing exachk wallet details into AHF config/wallet …


Starting exachk daemon from AHF …


AHF install completed on dm01db01


Installing AHF on Remote Nodes :


AHF will be installed on dm01db02, Please wait.


Installing AHF on dm01db02 :


[dm01db02] Copying AHF Installer


[dm01db02] Running AHF Installer


AHF will be installed on dm01db03, Please wait.


Installing AHF on dm01db03 :


[dm01db03] Copying AHF Installer


[dm01db03] Running AHF Installer


AHF will be installed on dm01db04, Please wait.


Installing AHF on dm01db04 :


[dm01db04] Copying AHF Installer


[dm01db04] Running AHF Installer


AHF binaries are available in /opt/oracle.ahf/bin


AHF is successfully installed


Moving /tmp/ahf_install_251936_2020_04_06-13_07_32.log to /u01/app/oracle/oracle.ahf/data/dm01db01/diag/ahf/


Step 4: Verify AHF setup


[root@dm01db01 Exachk]# cd /opt/oracle.ahf/


[root@dm01db01 oracle.ahf]# ls -ltr

total 36

drwxr-xr-x 7 root root 4096 Nov 19 02:38 python

drwxr-xr-x 5 root root 4096 Mar 17 11:25 ahf

drwxr-xr-x 6 root root 4096 Mar 17 11:25 common

drwxr-x–x 5 root root 4096 Mar 17 11:25 jre

drwxr-xr-x 8 root root 4096 Apr  6 12:28 exachk

drwxr-x–x 2 root root 4096 Apr  6 12:28 analyzer

-rw-r–r– 1 root root 1057 Apr  6 12:28

drwxr-x–x 9 root root 4096 Apr  6 12:28 tfa

drwxr-x–x 2 root root 4096 Apr  6 12:28 bin



[root@dm01db01 oracle.ahf]# cd exachk/


[root@dm01db01 exachk]# ls -ltr

total 81772

-rw-r–r– 1 root root   186651 Mar 17 11:20 exachk.pyc

-rw-r–r– 1 root root 65423079 Mar 17 11:23 collections.dat

-rw-r–r– 1 root root  9674765 Mar 17 11:23 rules.dat

-rw-r–r– 1 root root  8341706 Mar 17 11:24 Apex5_CollectionManager_App.sql

-rw-r–r– 1 root root    43473 Mar 17 11:24 sample_user_defined_checks.xml

-r–r–r– 1 root root     3217 Mar 17 11:24 user_defined_checks.xsd

drwxr-xr-x 2 root root     4096 Mar 17 11:24 messages

drwxr-xr-x 2 root root     4096 Mar 17 11:25 web

drwxr-xr-x 3 root root     4096 Mar 17 11:25 lib

drwxr-xr-x 2 root root     4096 Mar 17 11:25 build

drwxr-xr-x 2 root root     4096 Apr  6 12:28 bash

-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root    25788 Apr  6 12:28 exachk


Step 5: unzip the cvu zip file under AHF home as show below


[root@dm01db01 Exachk]# unzip -d /opt/oracle.ahf/common/cvu


[root@dm01db01 Exachk]# ls -ltr /opt/oracle.ahf/common/cvu

total 92

drwxrwxr-x 7 root root 4096 Jun 13  2018 jdk

drwxrwxr-x 3 root root 4096 Jun 13  2018 srvm

drwxrwxr-x 3 root root 4096 Jun 13  2018 has

drwxrwxr-x 3 root root 4096 Jun 13  2018 crs

drwxrwxr-x 3 root root 4096 Jun 13  2018 suptools

drwxrwxr-x 3 root root 4096 Jun 13  2018 oss

drwxrwxr-x 7 root root 4096 Jun 13  2018 cv

drwxrwxr-x 3 root root 4096 Jun 13  2018 xdk

drwxrwxr-x 2 root root 4096 Jun 13  2018 utl

drwxrwxr-x 4 root root 4096 Jun 13  2018 rdbms

drwxrwxr-x 6 root root 4096 Jun 13  2018 install

drwxrwxr-x 4 root root 4096 Jun 13  2018 deinstall

drwxrwxr-x 4 root root 4096 Jun 13  2018 clone

drwxrwxr-x 8 root root 4096 Jun 13  2018 oui

drwxrwxr-x 3 root root 4096 Jun 13  2018 diagnostics

drwxrwxr-x 3 root root 4096 Jun 13  2018 oracore

drwxrwxr-x 3 root root 4096 Jun 13  2018 nls

drwxrwxr-x 3 root root 4096 Jun 13  2018 jdbc

drwxrwxr-x 3 root root 4096 Jun 13  2018 dbjava

drwxrwxr-x 6 root root 4096 Jun 13  2018 network

drwxrwxr-x 2 root root 4096 Jun 13  2018 jlib

drwxrwxr-x 2 root root 4096 Jun 13  2018 lib

drwxrwxr-x 2 root root 4096 Jun 13  2018 bin



Note: If you don’t download and extract the cvupack you will get the following warning message.


“Either Cluster Verification Utility pack (cvupack) does not exist at /opt/oracle.ahf/common/cvu or it is an old or invalid cvupack”



Step 6: Execute Exachk for Exadata


[root@dm01db01 ~]# cd /opt/oracle.ahf/exachk/

[root@dm01db01 exachk]# ./exachk



Checking ssh user equivalency settings on all nodes in cluster for root


Node dm01db02 is configured for ssh user equivalency for root user



Node dm01db03 is configured for ssh user equivalency for root user



Node dm01db04 is configured for ssh user equivalency for root user


Searching for running databases . . . . .


.  .  .  .

List of running databases registered in OCR


  1. testdb
  2. orcldb
  3. All of above
  4. None of above


Select databases from list for checking best practices. For multiple databases, select 3 for All or comma separated number like 1,2 etc [1-4][3].


Searching out ORACLE_HOME for selected databases.


.  .  .  .  .  .  .



Checking Status of Oracle Software Stack – Clusterware, ASM, RDBMS


.  .  .  . . . .  .  .  . . . .

.  .  .  . . . .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . . . .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . . . .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . . . .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .


                                                 Oracle Stack Status


  Host Name       CRS Installed  RDBMS Installed    CRS UP    ASM UP  RDBMS UP    DB Instance Name


  dm01db01                  Yes          Yes          Yes      Yes      Yes          orcldb1 testdb1

  dm01db02                  Yes          Yes          Yes      Yes      Yes          testdb2 orcldb2

  dm01db03                  Yes          Yes          Yes      Yes      Yes          orcldb3 testdb3

  dm01db04                  Yes          Yes          Yes      Yes      Yes          testdb4 orcldb4




Copying plug-ins


. .


Node dm01cel01-priv2 is configured for ssh user equivalency for root user



Node dm01cel02-priv2 is configured for ssh user equivalency for root user



Node dm01cel03-priv2 is configured for ssh user equivalency for root user



Node dm01cel04-priv2 is configured for ssh user equivalency for root user



Node dm01cel05-priv2 is configured for ssh user equivalency for root user



Node dm01cel06-priv2 is configured for ssh user equivalency for root user



Node dm01cel07-priv2 is configured for ssh user equivalency for root user



.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .

dm01sw-ibb01 is configured for ssh user equivalency for root user


dm01sw-iba01 is configured for ssh user equivalency for root user


dm01sw-iba01 is configured for ssh user equivalency for root user



*** Checking Best Practice Recommendations ( Pass / Warning / Fail ) ***


.  .


Collections and audit checks log file is



Starting to run exachk in background on dm01db02


Starting to run exachk in background on dm01db03



Starting to run exachk in background on dm01db04





              Node name – dm01db01



 Collecting – ASM Disk Group for Infrastructure Software and Configuration

 Collecting – ASM Diskgroup Attributes

 Collecting – ASM diskgroup usable free space

 Collecting – ASM initialization parameters

 Collecting – Database Parameters for testdb database

 Collecting – Database Parameters for orcldb database

 Collecting – Database Undocumented Parameters for orcldb database

 Collecting – RDBMS Feature Usage for orcldb database

 Collecting – CPU Information

 Collecting – Clusterware and RDBMS software version

 Collecting – Compute node PCI bus slot speed for infiniband HCAs

 Collecting – Kernel parameters

 Collecting – Maximum number of semaphore sets on system

 Collecting – Maximum number of semaphores on system

 Collecting – OS Packages

 Collecting – Patches for Grid Infrastructure

 Collecting – Patches for RDBMS Home

 Collecting – RDBMS patch inventory

 Collecting – Switch Version Information

 Collecting – number of semaphore operations per semop system call

 Collecting – CRS user limits configuration

 Collecting – CRS user time zone check

 Collecting – Check alerthistory for non-test open stateless alerts [Database Server]

 Collecting – Check alerthistory for stateful alerts not cleared [Database Server]

 Collecting – Clusterware patch inventory

 Collecting – Discover switch type(spine or leaf)

 Collecting – Enterprise Manager agent targets

 Collecting – Exadata Critical Issue DB09

 Collecting – Exadata Critical Issue EX30

 Collecting – Exadata Critical Issue EX36

 Collecting – Exadata Critical Issue EX56

 Collecting – Exadata Critical Issue EX57

 Collecting – Exadata Critical Issue EX58

 Collecting – Exadata critical issue EX48

 Collecting – Exadata critical issue EX55

 Collecting – Exadata software version on database server

 Collecting – Exadata system model number

 Collecting – Exadata version on database server

 Collecting – HCA firmware version on database server

 Collecting – HCA transfer rate on database server

 Collecting – Infrastructure Software and Configuration for compute

 Collecting – MaxStartups setting in sshd_config

 Collecting – OFED Software version on database server

 Collecting – Obtain hardware information

 Collecting – Operating system and Kernel version on database server

 Collecting – Oracle monitoring agent and/or OS settings on ADR diagnostic directories

 Collecting – Raid controller bus link speed

 Collecting – Review Non-Exadata components in use on the InfiniBand fabric

 Collecting – System Event Log

 Collecting – Validate key sysctl.conf parameters on database servers

 Collecting – Verify Data Network is Separate from Management Network

 Collecting – Verify Database Server Disk Controller Configuration

 Collecting – Verify Database Server Physical Drive Configuration

 Collecting – Verify Database Server Virtual Drive Configuration

 Collecting – Verify Disk Cache Policy on database server

 Collecting – Verify Hardware and Firmware on Database and Storage Servers (CheckHWnFWProfile) [Database Server]

 Collecting – Verify ILOM Power Up Configuration for HOST_AUTO_POWER_ON

 Collecting – Verify ILOM Power Up Configuration for HOST_LAST_POWER_STATE

 Collecting – Verify IP routing configuration on database servers

 Collecting – Verify InfiniBand Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) Configuration on Database Servers

 Collecting – Verify Master (Rack) Serial Number is Set [Database Server]

 Collecting – Verify Quorum disks configuration

 Collecting – Verify RAID Controller Battery Temperature [Database Server]

 Collecting – Verify RAID disk controller CacheVault capacitor condition [Database Server]

 Collecting – Verify RAID disk controller CacheVault capacitor condition [Database Server]

 Collecting – Verify TCP Segmentation Offload (TSO) is set to off

 Collecting – Verify available ksplice fixes are installed [Database Server]

 Collecting – Verify basic Logical Volume(LVM) system devices configuration

 Collecting – Verify database server InfiniBand network MTU size

 Collecting – Verify database server disk controllers use writeback cache

 Collecting – Verify database server file systems have Check interval = 0

 Collecting – Verify database server file systems have Maximum mount count = -1

 Collecting – Verify imageinfo on database server

 Collecting – Verify imageinfo on database server to compare systemwide

 Collecting – Verify installed rpm(s) kernel type match the active kernel version

 Collecting – Verify key InfiniBand fabric error counters are not present

 Collecting – Verify no database server kernel out of memory errors

 Collecting – Verify proper ACFS drivers are installed for Spectre v2 mitigation

 Collecting – Verify service exachkcfg autostart status on database server

 Collecting – Verify the localhost alias is pingable [Database Server]

 Collecting – Verify the InfiniBand Fabric Topology (verify-topology)

 Collecting – Verify the Master Subnet Manager is running on an InfiniBand switch

 Collecting – Verify the Name Service Cache Daemon (NSCD) configuration

 Collecting – Verify the Subnet Manager is properly disabled [Database Server]

 Collecting – Verify the currently active image status [Database Server]

 Collecting – Verify the ib_sdp module is not loaded into the kernel

 Collecting – Verify the storage servers in use configuration matches across the cluster

 Collecting – Verify the vm.min_free_kbytes configuration

 Collecting – Verify there are no files present that impact normal firmware update procedures [Database Server]

 Collecting – collect time server data [Database Server]

 Collecting – root time zone check

 Collecting – verify asr exadata configuration check via ASREXACHECK on database server

Starting to run root privileged commands in background on storage server dm01cel01 (


Starting to run root privileged commands in background on storage server dm01cel02 (


Starting to run root privileged commands in background on storage server dm01cel03 (


Starting to run root privileged commands in background on storage server dm01cel04 (


Starting to run root privileged commands in background on storage server dm01cel05 (


Starting to run root privileged commands in background on storage server dm01cel06 (


Starting to run root privileged commands in background on storage server dm01cel07 (


Starting to run root privileged commands in background on infiniband switch (dm01sw-ibb01)


Starting to run root privileged commands in background on infiniband switch (dm01sw-iba01)



Collections from storage server:




Collections from Infiniband Switch:


 Collecting – Exadata Critical Issue IB5

 Collecting – Exadata Critical Issue IB6

 Collecting – Exadata Critical Issue IB8

 Collecting – Hostname in /etc/hosts

 Collecting – Infiniband Switch NTP configuration

 Collecting – Infiniband subnet manager status

 Collecting – Infiniband switch HCA status

 Collecting – Infiniband switch HOSTNAME configuration

 Collecting – Infiniband switch firmware version

 Collecting – Infiniband switch health

 Collecting – Infiniband switch localtime configuration

 Collecting – Infiniband switch module configuration

 Collecting – Infiniband switch subnet manager configuration

 Collecting – Infiniband switch type(Spine or leaf)

 Collecting – Infrastructure Software and Configuration for switch

 Collecting – Verify average ping times to DNS nameserver [IB Switch]

 Collecting – Verify no IB switch ports disabled due to excessive symbol errors

 Collecting – Verify the localhost alias is pingable [IB Switch]

 Collecting – Verify there are no unhealthy InfiniBand switch sensors

 Collecting – sm_priority configuration on Infiniband switch



Data collections completed. Checking best practices on dm01db01.





 FAIL =>     Exadata software version on database server does not meet certified platinum configuration

 FAIL =>     Oracle database does not meet certified platinum configuration for /u01/app/oracle/product/

 WARNING =>  Database parameter AUDIT_SYS_OPERATIONS should be set to the recommended value on testdb1 instance

 WARNING =>  Database parameter AUDIT_SYS_OPERATIONS should be set to the recommended value on orcldb1 instance

 INFO =>     Oracle GoldenGate failure prevention best practices

 INFO =>     One or more non-default AWR baselines should be created for orcldb

 WARNING =>  Non-default database Services are not configured for orcldb

 WARNING =>  Database parameter processes should be set to recommended value on testdb1 instance

 WARNING =>  Database parameter processes should be set to recommended value on orcldb1 instance

 FAIL =>     _reconnect_to_cell_attempts parameter in cellinit.ora is not set to recommended value

 FAIL =>     Oracle monitoring agent and Operating systems settings on Automatic diagnostic  repository directories are not correct or not all targets have been scanned or not all diagnostic directories found

 FAIL =>     Storage Server user “CELLDIAG” should exist

 FAIL =>     Downdelay attribute is not set to recommended value on bonded client interface

 FAIL =>     One or more of SYSTEM, SYSAUX, USERS, TEMP tablespaces are not of type bigfile for orcldb

 FAIL =>     The initialization parameter cluster_database_instances should be at the default value for testdb

 FAIL =>     The initialization parameter cluster_database_instances should be at the default value for orcldb

 WARNING =>  SYS or SYSTEM objects were found to be INVALID for orcldb

 WARNING =>  There are non-Exadata components in use on the InfiniBand fabric

 INFO =>     Database parameter AUDIT_TRAIL should be set to the recommended value for testdb

 INFO =>     Database parameter AUDIT_TRAIL should be set to the recommended value for orcldb

 FAIL =>     Memlock settings do not meet the Oracle best practice recommendations for /u01/app/oracle/product/

 WARNING =>  All disk groups should have compatible.advm attribute set to recommended values

 WARNING =>  All disk groups should have compatible.rdbms attribute set to recommended values

 WARNING =>  Database has one or more dictionary managed tablespace for orcldb

 CRITICAL => System is exposed to Exadata Critical Issue EX58

 CRITICAL => System is exposed to Exadata Critical Issue EX58

 FAIL =>     Some data or temp files are not autoextensible for orcldb

 WARNING =>  Key InfiniBand fabric error counters should not be present

 CRITICAL => One or more log archive destination and alternate log archive destination settings are not as recommended for orcldb

 FAIL =>     Database parameter DB_LOST_WRITE_PROTECT is not set to recommended value on testdb1 instance

 FAIL =>     Database parameter DB_LOST_WRITE_PROTECT is not set to recommended value on orcldb1 instance

 FAIL =>     Database parameter GLOBAL_NAMES is not set to recommended value on testdb1 instance

 FAIL =>     Database parameter GLOBAL_NAMES is not set to recommended value on orcldb1 instance

 FAIL =>     Database parameter PARALLEL_ADAPTIVE_MULTI_USER is not set to recommended value on testdb1 instance

 FAIL =>     Database parameter PARALLEL_ADAPTIVE_MULTI_USER is not set to recommended value on orcldb1 instance

 FAIL =>     Database parameter PARALLEL_THREADS_PER_CPU is not set to recommended value on testdb1 instance

 FAIL =>     Database parameter PARALLEL_THREADS_PER_CPU is not set to recommended value on orcldb1 instance

 FAIL =>     Database parameter OS_AUTHENT_PREFIX is not set to recommended value on testdb1 instance

 FAIL =>     Database parameter OS_AUTHENT_PREFIX is not set to recommended value on orcldb1 instance

 FAIL =>     Database parameter sql92_security is not set to recommended value on testdb1 instance

 FAIL =>     Database parameter sql92_security is not set to recommended value on orcldb1 instance

 FAIL =>     Database parameter COMPATIBLE should be set to recommended value for testdb

 FAIL =>     Database parameter COMPATIBLE should be set to recommended value for orcldb

 CRITICAL => Database parameters log_archive_dest_n with Location attribute are not all set to recommended value for orcldb

 CRITICAL => Database parameter Db_create_online_log_dest_n is not set to recommended value for testdb

 FAIL =>     Flashback on PRIMARY is not configured for orcldb

 FAIL =>     Flashback on STANDBY is not configured for testdb

 INFO =>     Operational Best Practices

 INFO =>     Database Consolidation Best Practices

 INFO =>     Computer failure prevention best practices

 INFO =>     Data corruption prevention best practices

 INFO =>     Logical corruption prevention best practices

 INFO =>     Database/Cluster/Site failure prevention best practices

 INFO =>     Client failover operational best practices

 INFO =>     Verify the percent of available celldisk space used by the griddisks

 WARNING =>  Application objects were found to be invalid for orcldb

 CRITICAL => Database control files are not configured as recommended for testdb

 CRITICAL => Database control files are not configured as recommended for orcldb

 WARNING =>  ASM parameter ASM_POWER_LIMIT is not set to the default value.

 INFO =>     While initialization parameter LOG_ARCHIVE_CONFIG is set it should be verified for your environment on Standby Database for testdb

 WARNING =>  Redo log files should be appropriately sized for testdb

 WARNING =>  Redo log files should be appropriately sized for orcldb

 FAIL =>     Table AUD$[FGA_LOG$] should use Automatic Segment Space Management for orcldb

 INFO =>     Database failure prevention best practices

 WARNING =>  Database has one or more dictionary managed tablespace for orcldb

 FAIL =>     Primary database is not protected with Data Guard (standby database) for real-time data protection and availability for orcldb

 FAIL =>     Database parameter LOG_BUFFER is not set to recommended value on orcldb1 instance

 INFO =>     Storage failures prevention best practices

 INFO =>     Software maintenance best practices

 CRITICAL => The data files should be recoverable for testdb

 CRITICAL => The data files should be recoverable for orcldb

 FAIL =>     FRA space management problem file types are present without an RMAN backup completion within the last 7 days for testdb

 INFO =>     Oracle recovery manager(rman) best practices

 WARNING =>  control_file_record_keep_time should be within recommended range [1-9] for testdb

 INFO =>     Exadata Critical Issues (Doc ID 1270094.1):- DB1-DB4,DB6,DB9-DB44, EX1-EX60 and IB1-IB3,IB5-IB8

Collecting patch inventory on CRS_HOME /u01/app/

Collecting patch inventory on ORACLE_HOME /u01/app/oracle/product/


Copying results from dm01db02 and generating report. This might take a while. Be patient.




              Node name – dm01db02



 Collecting – CPU Information

 Collecting – Clusterware and RDBMS software version

 Collecting – Compute node PCI bus slot speed for infiniband HCAs

 Collecting – Kernel parameters

 Collecting – Maximum number of semaphore sets on system

 Collecting – Maximum number of semaphores on system

 Collecting – OS Packages

 Collecting – Patches for Grid Infrastructure

 Collecting – Patches for RDBMS Home

 Collecting – RDBMS patch inventory

 Collecting – number of semaphore operations per semop system call

 Collecting – CRS user limits configuration

 Collecting – CRS user time zone check

 Collecting – Check alerthistory for non-test open stateless alerts [Database Server]

 Collecting – Check alerthistory for stateful alerts not cleared [Database Server]

 Collecting – Clusterware patch inventory

 Collecting – Exadata Critical Issue DB09

 Collecting – Exadata Critical Issue EX30

 Collecting – Exadata Critical Issue EX36

 Collecting – Exadata Critical Issue EX56

 Collecting – Exadata Critical Issue EX57

 Collecting – Exadata Critical Issue EX58

 Collecting – Exadata critical issue EX48

 Collecting – Exadata critical issue EX55

 Collecting – Exadata software version on database server

 Collecting – Exadata system model number

 Collecting – Exadata version on database server

 Collecting – HCA firmware version on database server

 Collecting – HCA transfer rate on database server

 Collecting – Infrastructure Software and Configuration for compute

 Collecting – MaxStartups setting in sshd_config

 Collecting – OFED Software version on database server

 Collecting – Obtain hardware information

 Collecting – Operating system and Kernel version on database server

 Collecting – Oracle monitoring agent and/or OS settings on ADR diagnostic directories

 Collecting – Raid controller bus link speed

 Collecting – System Event Log

 Collecting – Validate key sysctl.conf parameters on database servers

 Collecting – Verify Data Network is Separate from Management Network

 Collecting – Verify Database Server Disk Controller Configuration

 Collecting – Verify Database Server Physical Drive Configuration

 Collecting – Verify Database Server Virtual Drive Configuration

 Collecting – Verify Disk Cache Policy on database server

 Collecting – Verify Hardware and Firmware on Database and Storage Servers (CheckHWnFWProfile) [Database Server]

 Collecting – Verify ILOM Power Up Configuration for HOST_AUTO_POWER_ON

 Collecting – Verify ILOM Power Up Configuration for HOST_LAST_POWER_STATE

 Collecting – Verify IP routing configuration on database servers

 Collecting – Verify InfiniBand Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) Configuration on Database Servers

 Collecting – Verify Master (Rack) Serial Number is Set [Database Server]

 Collecting – Verify Quorum disks configuration

 Collecting – Verify RAID Controller Battery Temperature [Database Server]

 Collecting – Verify RAID disk controller CacheVault capacitor condition [Database Server]

 Collecting – Verify RAID disk controller CacheVault capacitor condition [Database Server]

 Collecting – Verify TCP Segmentation Offload (TSO) is set to off

 Collecting – Verify available ksplice fixes are installed [Database Server]

 Collecting – Verify basic Logical Volume(LVM) system devices configuration

 Collecting – Verify database server InfiniBand network MTU size

 Collecting – Verify database server disk controllers use writeback cache

 Collecting – Verify database server file systems have Check interval = 0

 Collecting – Verify database server file systems have Maximum mount count = -1

 Collecting – Verify imageinfo on database server

 Collecting – Verify imageinfo on database server to compare systemwide

 Collecting – Verify installed rpm(s) kernel type match the active kernel version

 Collecting – Verify no database server kernel out of memory errors

 Collecting – Verify proper ACFS drivers are installed for Spectre v2 mitigation

 Collecting – Verify service exachkcfg autostart status on database server

 Collecting – Verify the localhost alias is pingable [Database Server]

 Collecting – Verify the InfiniBand Fabric Topology (verify-topology)

 Collecting – Verify the Name Service Cache Daemon (NSCD) configuration

 Collecting – Verify the Subnet Manager is properly disabled [Database Server]

 Collecting – Verify the currently active image status [Database Server]

 Collecting – Verify the ib_sdp module is not loaded into the kernel

 Collecting – Verify the storage servers in use configuration matches across the cluster

 Collecting – Verify the vm.min_free_kbytes configuration

 Collecting – Verify there are no files present that impact normal firmware update procedures [Database Server]

 Collecting – collect time server data [Database Server]

 Collecting – root time zone check

 Collecting – verify asr exadata configuration check via ASREXACHECK on database server

list index out of range


Data collections completed. Checking best practices on dm01db02.



 FAIL =>     Exadata software version on database server does not meet certified platinum configuration

 FAIL =>     Oracle database does not meet certified platinum configuration for /u01/app/oracle/product/

 WARNING =>  Database parameter AUDIT_SYS_OPERATIONS should be set to the recommended value on testdb2 instance

 WARNING =>  Database parameter AUDIT_SYS_OPERATIONS should be set to the recommended value on orcldb2 instance

 INFO =>     Oracle GoldenGate failure prevention best practices

 WARNING =>  Non-default database Services are not configured for orcldb

 WARNING =>  Database parameter processes should be set to recommended value on testdb2 instance

 WARNING =>  Database parameter processes should be set to recommended value on orcldb2 instance

 FAIL =>     _reconnect_to_cell_attempts parameter in cellinit.ora is not set to recommended value

 FAIL =>     Oracle monitoring agent and Operating systems settings on Automatic diagnostic  repository directories are not correct or not all targets have been scanned or not all diagnostic directories found

 FAIL =>     Downdelay attribute is not set to recommended value on bonded client interface

 FAIL =>     One or more of SYSTEM, SYSAUX, USERS, TEMP tablespaces are not of type bigfile for orcldb

 FAIL =>     The initialization parameter cluster_database_instances should be at the default value for testdb

 FAIL =>     The initialization parameter cluster_database_instances should be at the default value for orcldb

 INFO =>     Database parameter AUDIT_TRAIL should be set to the recommended value for testdb

 INFO =>     Database parameter AUDIT_TRAIL should be set to the recommended value for orcldb

 FAIL =>     Memlock settings do not meet the Oracle best practice recommendations for /u01/app/oracle/product/

 CRITICAL => System is exposed to Exadata Critical Issue EX58

 CRITICAL => One or more log archive destination and alternate log archive destination settings are not as recommended

 CRITICAL => One or more disk groups which contain critical files do not use high redundancy

 FAIL =>     Database parameter DB_LOST_WRITE_PROTECT is not set to recommended value on testdb2 instance

 FAIL =>     Database parameter DB_LOST_WRITE_PROTECT is not set to recommended value on orcldb2 instance

 FAIL =>     Database parameter GLOBAL_NAMES is not set to recommended value on testdb2 instance

 FAIL =>     Database parameter GLOBAL_NAMES is not set to recommended value on orcldb2 instance

 FAIL =>     Database parameter PARALLEL_ADAPTIVE_MULTI_USER is not set to recommended value on testdb2 instance

 FAIL =>     Database parameter PARALLEL_ADAPTIVE_MULTI_USER is not set to recommended value on orcldb2 instance

 FAIL =>     Database parameter PARALLEL_THREADS_PER_CPU is not set to recommended value on testdb2 instance

 FAIL =>     Database parameter PARALLEL_THREADS_PER_CPU is not set to recommended value on orcldb2 instance

 FAIL =>     Database parameter OS_AUTHENT_PREFIX is not set to recommended value on testdb2 instance

 FAIL =>     Database parameter OS_AUTHENT_PREFIX is not set to recommended value on orcldb2 instance

 FAIL =>     Database parameter sql92_security is not set to recommended value on testdb2 instance

 FAIL =>     Database parameter sql92_security is not set to recommended value on orcldb2 instance

 FAIL =>     Database parameter COMPATIBLE should be set to recommended value for testdb

 FAIL =>     Database parameter COMPATIBLE should be set to recommended value for orcldb

 CRITICAL => Database parameters log_archive_dest_n with Location attribute are not all set to recommended value for orcldb

 CRITICAL => Database parameter Db_create_online_log_dest_n is not set to recommended value for testdb

 CRITICAL => Database control files are not configured as recommended

 WARNING =>  ASM parameter ASM_POWER_LIMIT is not set to the default value.

 INFO =>     While initialization parameter LOG_ARCHIVE_CONFIG is set it should be verified for your environment on Standby Database for testdb

 WARNING =>  Redo log files should be appropriately sized for testdb

 WARNING =>  Redo log files should be appropriately sized for orcldb

 FAIL =>     Database parameter LOG_BUFFER is not set to recommended value on orcldb2 instance

Collecting patch inventory on CRS_HOME /u01/app/

Collecting patch inventory on ORACLE_HOME /u01/app/oracle/product/



Copying results from dm01db03 and generating report. This might take a while. Be patient.




              Node name – dm01db03



 Collecting – CPU Information

 Collecting – Clusterware and RDBMS software version

 Collecting – Compute node PCI bus slot speed for infiniband HCAs

 Collecting – Kernel parameters

 Collecting – Maximum number of semaphore sets on system

 Collecting – Maximum number of semaphores on system

 Collecting – OS Packages

 Collecting – Patches for Grid Infrastructure

 Collecting – Patches for RDBMS Home

 Collecting – RDBMS patch inventory

 Collecting – number of semaphore operations per semop system call

 Collecting – CRS user limits configuration

 Collecting – CRS user time zone check

 Collecting – Check alerthistory for non-test open stateless alerts [Database Server]

 Collecting – Check alerthistory for stateful alerts not cleared [Database Server]

 Collecting – Clusterware patch inventory

 Collecting – Exadata Critical Issue DB09

 Collecting – Exadata Critical Issue EX30

 Collecting – Exadata Critical Issue EX36

 Collecting – Exadata Critical Issue EX56

 Collecting – Exadata Critical Issue EX57

 Collecting – Exadata Critical Issue EX58

 Collecting – Exadata critical issue EX48

 Collecting – Exadata critical issue EX55

 Collecting – Exadata software version on database server

 Collecting – Exadata system model number

 Collecting – Exadata version on database server

 Collecting – HCA firmware version on database server

 Collecting – HCA transfer rate on database server

 Collecting – Infrastructure Software and Configuration for compute

 Collecting – MaxStartups setting in sshd_config

 Collecting – OFED Software version on database server

 Collecting – Obtain hardware information

 Collecting – Operating system and Kernel version on database server

 Collecting – Oracle monitoring agent and/or OS settings on ADR diagnostic directories

 Collecting – Raid controller bus link speed

 Collecting – System Event Log

 Collecting – Validate key sysctl.conf parameters on database servers

 Collecting – Verify Data Network is Separate from Management Network

 Collecting – Verify Database Server Disk Controller Configuration

 Collecting – Verify Database Server Physical Drive Configuration

 Collecting – Verify Database Server Virtual Drive Configuration

 Collecting – Verify Disk Cache Policy on database server

 Collecting – Verify Hardware and Firmware on Database and Storage Servers (CheckHWnFWProfile) [Database Server]

 Collecting – Verify ILOM Power Up Configuration for HOST_AUTO_POWER_ON

 Collecting – Verify ILOM Power Up Configuration for HOST_LAST_POWER_STATE

 Collecting – Verify IP routing configuration on database servers

 Collecting – Verify InfiniBand Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) Configuration on Database Servers

 Collecting – Verify Master (Rack) Serial Number is Set [Database Server]

 Collecting – Verify Quorum disks configuration

 Collecting – Verify RAID Controller Battery Temperature [Database Server]

 Collecting – Verify RAID disk controller CacheVault capacitor condition [Database Server]

 Collecting – Verify RAID disk controller CacheVault capacitor condition [Database Server]

 Collecting – Verify TCP Segmentation Offload (TSO) is set to off

 Collecting – Verify available ksplice fixes are installed [Database Server]

 Collecting – Verify basic Logical Volume(LVM) system devices configuration

 Collecting – Verify database server InfiniBand network MTU size

 Collecting – Verify database server disk controllers use writeback cache

 Collecting – Verify database server file systems have Check interval = 0

 Collecting – Verify database server file systems have Maximum mount count = -1

 Collecting – Verify imageinfo on database server

 Collecting – Verify imageinfo on database server to compare systemwide

 Collecting – Verify installed rpm(s) kernel type match the active kernel version

 Collecting – Verify no database server kernel out of memory errors

 Collecting – Verify proper ACFS drivers are installed for Spectre v2 mitigation

 Collecting – Verify service exachkcfg autostart status on database server

 Collecting – Verify the localhost alias is pingable [Database Server]

 Collecting – Verify the InfiniBand Fabric Topology (verify-topology)

 Collecting – Verify the Name Service Cache Daemon (NSCD) configuration

 Collecting – Verify the Subnet Manager is properly disabled [Database Server]

 Collecting – Verify the currently active image status [Database Server]

 Collecting – Verify the ib_sdp module is not loaded into the kernel

 Collecting – Verify the storage servers in use configuration matches across the cluster

 Collecting – Verify the vm.min_free_kbytes configuration

 Collecting – Verify there are no files present that impact normal firmware update procedures [Database Server]

 Collecting – collect time server data [Database Server]

 Collecting – root time zone check

 Collecting – verify asr exadata configuration check via ASREXACHECK on database server

list index out of range



Data collections completed. Checking best practices on dm01db03.



 FAIL =>     Exadata software version on database server does not meet certified platinum configuration

 FAIL =>     Oracle database does not meet certified platinum configuration for /u01/app/oracle/product/

 WARNING =>  Database parameter AUDIT_SYS_OPERATIONS should be set to the recommended value on testdb3 instance

 WARNING =>  Database parameter AUDIT_SYS_OPERATIONS should be set to the recommended value on orcldb3 instance

 INFO =>     Oracle GoldenGate failure prevention best practices

 WARNING =>  Non-default database Services are not configured for orcldb

 WARNING =>  Database parameter processes should be set to recommended value on testdb3 instance

 WARNING =>  Database parameter processes should be set to recommended value on orcldb3 instance

 FAIL =>     _reconnect_to_cell_attempts parameter in cellinit.ora is not set to recommended value

 FAIL =>     Oracle monitoring agent and Operating systems settings on Automatic diagnostic  repository directories are not correct or not all targets have been scanned or not all diagnostic directories found

 FAIL =>     Downdelay attribute is not set to recommended value on bonded client interface

 WARNING =>  The IP routing configuration is not correct

 FAIL =>     One or more of SYSTEM, SYSAUX, USERS, TEMP tablespaces are not of type bigfile for orcldb

 FAIL =>     The initialization parameter cluster_database_instances should be at the default value for testdb

 FAIL =>     The initialization parameter cluster_database_instances should be at the default value for orcldb

 INFO =>     Database parameter AUDIT_TRAIL should be set to the recommended value for testdb

 INFO =>     Database parameter AUDIT_TRAIL should be set to the recommended value for orcldb

 FAIL =>     Memlock settings do not meet the Oracle best practice recommendations for /u01/app/oracle/product/

 CRITICAL => System is exposed to Exadata Critical Issue EX58

 FAIL =>     Management network is not separate from data network

 CRITICAL => One or more log archive destination and alternate log archive destination settings are not as recommended

 CRITICAL => One or more disk groups which contain critical files do not use high redundancy

 FAIL =>     Database parameter DB_LOST_WRITE_PROTECT is not set to recommended value on testdb3 instance

 FAIL =>     Database parameter DB_LOST_WRITE_PROTECT is not set to recommended value on orcldb3 instance

 FAIL =>     Database parameter GLOBAL_NAMES is not set to recommended value on testdb3 instance

 FAIL =>     Database parameter GLOBAL_NAMES is not set to recommended value on orcldb3 instance

 FAIL =>     Database parameter PARALLEL_ADAPTIVE_MULTI_USER is not set to recommended value on testdb3 instance

 FAIL =>     Database parameter PARALLEL_ADAPTIVE_MULTI_USER is not set to recommended value on orcldb3 instance

 FAIL =>     Database parameter PARALLEL_THREADS_PER_CPU is not set to recommended value on testdb3 instance

 FAIL =>     Database parameter PARALLEL_THREADS_PER_CPU is not set to recommended value on orcldb3 instance

 FAIL =>     Database parameter OS_AUTHENT_PREFIX is not set to recommended value on testdb3 instance

 FAIL =>     Database parameter OS_AUTHENT_PREFIX is not set to recommended value on orcldb3 instance

 FAIL =>     Database parameter sql92_security is not set to recommended value on testdb3 instance

 FAIL =>     Database parameter sql92_security is not set to recommended value on orcldb3 instance

 FAIL =>     Database parameter COMPATIBLE should be set to recommended value for testdb

 FAIL =>     Database parameter COMPATIBLE should be set to recommended value for orcldb

 CRITICAL => Database parameters log_archive_dest_n with Location attribute are not all set to recommended value for orcldb

 CRITICAL => Database parameter Db_create_online_log_dest_n is not set to recommended value for testdb

 CRITICAL => Database control files are not configured as recommended

 WARNING =>  ASM parameter ASM_POWER_LIMIT is not set to the default value.

 INFO =>     While initialization parameter LOG_ARCHIVE_CONFIG is set it should be verified for your environment on Standby Database for testdb

 WARNING =>  Redo log files should be appropriately sized for testdb

 WARNING =>  Redo log files should be appropriately sized for orcldb

 FAIL =>     Database parameter LOG_BUFFER is not set to recommended value on orcldb3 instance

Collecting patch inventory on CRS_HOME /u01/app/

Collecting patch inventory on ORACLE_HOME /u01/app/oracle/product/



Copying results from dm01db04 and generating report. This might take a while. Be patient.




              Node name – dm01db04



 Collecting – CPU Information

 Collecting – Clusterware and RDBMS software version

 Collecting – Compute node PCI bus slot speed for infiniband HCAs

 Collecting – Kernel parameters

 Collecting – Maximum number of semaphore sets on system

 Collecting – Maximum number of semaphores on system

 Collecting – OS Packages

 Collecting – Patches for Grid Infrastructure

 Collecting – Patches for RDBMS Home

 Collecting – RDBMS patch inventory

 Collecting – number of semaphore operations per semop system call

 Collecting – CRS user limits configuration

 Collecting – CRS user time zone check

 Collecting – Check alerthistory for non-test open stateless alerts [Database Server]

 Collecting – Check alerthistory for stateful alerts not cleared [Database Server]

 Collecting – Clusterware patch inventory

 Collecting – Exadata Critical Issue DB09

 Collecting – Exadata Critical Issue EX30

 Collecting – Exadata Critical Issue EX36

 Collecting – Exadata Critical Issue EX56

 Collecting – Exadata Critical Issue EX57

 Collecting – Exadata Critical Issue EX58

 Collecting – Exadata critical issue EX48

 Collecting – Exadata critical issue EX55

 Collecting – Exadata software version on database server

 Collecting – Exadata system model number

 Collecting – Exadata version on database server

 Collecting – HCA firmware version on database server

 Collecting – HCA transfer rate on database server

 Collecting – Infrastructure Software and Configuration for compute

 Collecting – MaxStartups setting in sshd_config

 Collecting – OFED Software version on database server

 Collecting – Obtain hardware information

 Collecting – Operating system and Kernel version on database server

 Collecting – Oracle monitoring agent and/or OS settings on ADR diagnostic directories

 Collecting – Raid controller bus link speed

 Collecting – System Event Log

 Collecting – Validate key sysctl.conf parameters on database servers

 Collecting – Verify Data Network is Separate from Management Network

 Collecting – Verify Database Server Disk Controller Configuration

 Collecting – Verify Database Server Physical Drive Configuration

 Collecting – Verify Database Server Virtual Drive Configuration

 Collecting – Verify Disk Cache Policy on database server

 Collecting – Verify Hardware and Firmware on Database and Storage Servers (CheckHWnFWProfile) [Database Server]

 Collecting – Verify ILOM Power Up Configuration for HOST_AUTO_POWER_ON

 Collecting – Verify ILOM Power Up Configuration for HOST_LAST_POWER_STATE

 Collecting – Verify IP routing configuration on database servers

 Collecting – Verify InfiniBand Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) Configuration on Database Servers

 Collecting – Verify Master (Rack) Serial Number is Set [Database Server]

 Collecting – Verify Quorum disks configuration

 Collecting – Verify RAID Controller Battery Temperature [Database Server]

 Collecting – Verify RAID disk controller CacheVault capacitor condition [Database Server]

 Collecting – Verify RAID disk controller CacheVault capacitor condition [Database Server]

 Collecting – Verify TCP Segmentation Offload (TSO) is set to off

 Collecting – Verify available ksplice fixes are installed [Database Server]

 Collecting – Verify basic Logical Volume(LVM) system devices configuration

 Collecting – Verify database server InfiniBand network MTU size

 Collecting – Verify database server disk controllers use writeback cache

 Collecting – Verify database server file systems have Check interval = 0

 Collecting – Verify database server file systems have Maximum mount count = -1

 Collecting – Verify imageinfo on database server

 Collecting – Verify imageinfo on database server to compare systemwide

 Collecting – Verify installed rpm(s) kernel type match the active kernel version

 Collecting – Verify no database server kernel out of memory errors

 Collecting – Verify proper ACFS drivers are installed for Spectre v2 mitigation

 Collecting – Verify service exachkcfg autostart status on database server

 Collecting – Verify the localhost alias is pingable [Database Server]

 Collecting – Verify the InfiniBand Fabric Topology (verify-topology)

 Collecting – Verify the Name Service Cache Daemon (NSCD) configuration

 Collecting – Verify the Subnet Manager is properly disabled [Database Server]

 Collecting – Verify the currently active image status [Database Server]

 Collecting – Verify the ib_sdp module is not loaded into the kernel

 Collecting – Verify the storage servers in use configuration matches across the cluster

 Collecting – Verify the vm.min_free_kbytes configuration

 Collecting – Verify there are no files present that impact normal firmware update procedures [Database Server]

 Collecting – collect time server data [Database Server]

 Collecting – root time zone check

 Collecting – verify asr exadata configuration check via ASREXACHECK on database server

list index out of range



Data collections completed. Checking best practices on dm01db04.



 FAIL =>     Exadata software version on database server does not meet certified platinum configuration

 FAIL =>     Oracle database does not meet certified platinum configuration for /u01/app/oracle/product/

 WARNING =>  Database parameter AUDIT_SYS_OPERATIONS should be set to the recommended value on testdb4 instance

 WARNING =>  Database parameter AUDIT_SYS_OPERATIONS should be set to the recommended value on orcldb4 instance

 INFO =>     Oracle GoldenGate failure prevention best practices

 WARNING =>  Non-default database Services are not configured for orcldb

 WARNING =>  Database parameter processes should be set to recommended value on testdb4 instance

 WARNING =>  Database parameter processes should be set to recommended value on orcldb4 instance

 FAIL =>     _reconnect_to_cell_attempts parameter in cellinit.ora is not set to recommended value

 FAIL =>     Oracle monitoring agent and Operating systems settings on Automatic diagnostic  repository directories are not correct or not all targets have been scanned or not all diagnostic directories found

 FAIL =>     Downdelay attribute is not set to recommended value on bonded client interface

 WARNING =>  The IP routing configuration is not correct

 FAIL =>     One or more of SYSTEM, SYSAUX, USERS, TEMP tablespaces are not of type bigfile for orcldb

 FAIL =>     The initialization parameter cluster_database_instances should be at the default value for testdb

 FAIL =>     The initialization parameter cluster_database_instances should be at the default value for orcldb

 INFO =>     Database parameter AUDIT_TRAIL should be set to the recommended value for testdb

 INFO =>     Database parameter AUDIT_TRAIL should be set to the recommended value for orcldb

 FAIL =>     Memlock settings do not meet the Oracle best practice recommendations for /u01/app/oracle/product/

 CRITICAL => System is exposed to Exadata Critical Issue EX58

 FAIL =>     Management network is not separate from data network

 CRITICAL => One or more log archive destination and alternate log archive destination settings are not as recommended

 CRITICAL => One or more disk groups which contain critical files do not use high redundancy

 FAIL =>     Database parameter DB_LOST_WRITE_PROTECT is not set to recommended value on testdb4 instance

 FAIL =>     Database parameter DB_LOST_WRITE_PROTECT is not set to recommended value on orcldb4 instance

 FAIL =>     Database parameter GLOBAL_NAMES is not set to recommended value on testdb4 instance

 FAIL =>     Database parameter GLOBAL_NAMES is not set to recommended value on orcldb4 instance

 FAIL =>     Database parameter PARALLEL_ADAPTIVE_MULTI_USER is not set to recommended value on testdb4 instance

 FAIL =>     Database parameter PARALLEL_ADAPTIVE_MULTI_USER is not set to recommended value on orcldb4 instance

 FAIL =>     Database parameter PARALLEL_THREADS_PER_CPU is not set to recommended value on testdb4 instance

 FAIL =>     Database parameter PARALLEL_THREADS_PER_CPU is not set to recommended value on orcldb4 instance

 FAIL =>     Database parameter OS_AUTHENT_PREFIX is not set to recommended value on testdb4 instance

 FAIL =>     Database parameter OS_AUTHENT_PREFIX is not set to recommended value on orcldb4 instance

 FAIL =>     Database parameter sql92_security is not set to recommended value on testdb4 instance

 FAIL =>     Database parameter sql92_security is not set to recommended value on orcldb4 instance

 FAIL =>     Database parameter COMPATIBLE should be set to recommended value for testdb

 FAIL =>     Database parameter COMPATIBLE should be set to recommended value for orcldb

 CRITICAL => Database parameters log_archive_dest_n with Location attribute are not all set to recommended value for orcldb

 CRITICAL => Database parameter Db_create_online_log_dest_n is not set to recommended value for testdb

 CRITICAL => Database control files are not configured as recommended

 WARNING =>  ASM parameter ASM_POWER_LIMIT is not set to the default value.

 INFO =>     While initialization parameter LOG_ARCHIVE_CONFIG is set it should be verified for your environment on Standby Database for testdb

 WARNING =>  Redo log files should be appropriately sized for testdb

 WARNING =>  Redo log files should be appropriately sized for orcldb

 FAIL =>     Database parameter LOG_BUFFER is not set to recommended value on orcldb4 instance

Collecting patch inventory on CRS_HOME /u01/app/

Collecting patch inventory on ORACLE_HOME /u01/app/oracle/product/




                      CLUSTERWIDE CHECKS




Detailed report (html) –  /u01/app/oracle/oracle.ahf/data/dm01db01/exachk/exachk_dm01db01_orcldb_040620_12376/exachk_dm01db01_orcldb_040620_12376.html




UPLOAD [if required] – /u01/app/oracle/oracle.ahf/data/dm01db01/exachk/



Step 7: Review the Exachk report or Upload file to Oracle Support


[root@dm01db01 Exachk]# curl -x -T /u01/app/oracle/oracle.ahf/data/dm01db01/exachk/  -u -v



Sample Exadata Output:


Oracle Autonomous Health Check Installation and Execution | Netsoftmate


To Uninstall AHF


[root@dm01db01 ~]# cd /opt/oracle.ahf/ahf/bin


[root@dm01db01 bin]# ls -ltr

total 88

-r-xr-xr-x 1 root root 19623 Mar 17 11:25

-r-xr-xr-x 1 root root 14504 Mar 17 11:25

-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  3296 Mar 17 11:25 tfactl

-r-xr-xr-x 1 root root 45597 Mar 17 11:25


[root@dm01db01 bin]# ./ -h


   Usage for ./


   ./ [-local] [-silent] [-deleterepo]


        -local            –    Uninstall AHF only on the local node

        -silent           –    Do not ask any uninstall questions

        -deleterepo       –    Delete AHF repository



   Note: If -local is not passed, AHF will be uninstalled from all configured nodes.



[root@dm01db01 bin]# ./ -deleterepo

Starting AHF Uninstall

AHF will be uninstalled on:




Do you want to continue with AHF uninstall ? [Y]|N : Y


Stopping AHF service on local node dm01db01…

Stopping TFA Support Tools…



TFA-00002 Oracle Trace File Analyzer (TFA) is not running

Stopping exachk scheduler …

Removing exachk cache discovery….

No exachk cache discovery found.


Removed exachk from inittab


Stopping and removing AHF in dm01db02…

TFA-00002 Oracle Trace File Analyzer (TFA) is not running

Removing exachk cache discovery….

Successfully completed exachk cache discovery removal.


Removed exachk from inittab


Successfully uninstalled AHF on node dm01db02

Removing AHF setup on dm01db01:

Removing /etc/rc.d/rc0.d/K17init.tfa

Removing /etc/rc.d/rc1.d/K17init.tfa

Removing /etc/rc.d/rc2.d/K17init.tfa

Removing /etc/rc.d/rc4.d/K17init.tfa

Removing /etc/rc.d/rc6.d/K17init.tfa

Removing /etc/init.d/init.tfa…

Removing /opt/oracle.ahf/jre

Removing /opt/oracle.ahf/common

Removing /opt/oracle.ahf/bin

Removing /opt/oracle.ahf/python

Removing /opt/oracle.ahf/analyzer

Removing /opt/oracle.ahf/tfa

Removing /opt/oracle.ahf/ahf

Removing /opt/oracle.ahf/exachk

Removing /u01/app/oracle/oracle.ahf/data/dm01db01

Removing /opt/oracle.ahf/

Removing /u01/app/oracle/oracle.ahf/data/repository

Removing /u01/app/oracle/oracle.ahf/data

Removing /u01/app/oracle/oracle.ahf

Removing AHF Home : /opt/oracle.ahf





In this article we have learned how to install, setup and execute Autonomous Health Check Frame work for Exadata Database Machines. We have also seen how to uninstall the AHF software.

About Netsoftmate: 

Netsoftmate is an Oracle Gold Partner and a boutique IT services company specializing in installation, implementation and 24/7 support for Oracle Engineered Systems like Oracle Exadata, Oracle Database Appliance, Oracle ZDLRA, Oracle ZFS Storage and Oracle Private Cloud Appliance. Apart from OES, we have specialized teams of  experts providing round the clock remote database administration support for any type of database and cyber security compliance and auditing services.

Feel free to get in touch with us by signing up on the link below – 

Priority Suport for Oracle Engineered Systems | Netsoftmate


Database Management Services, Oracle Database Management Solution, Oracle Databases, Oracle Exadata, Oracle Exadata X8M

Cloud is an innovative operational model for IT and its transforming the business coordination. Attain superior results today and plan for better tomorrow with the help of a cloud-ready IT infrastructure. Oracle engineered systems are fabricated, integrated, tested, and optimized to work collectively. They are co-created with Oracle software for cloud-engineered integration. Oracle Exadata as a part of Oracle Engineered Systems is the only channel that provides optimal database performance and proficiency for analytics, mixed data and OLTP workloads.

Here are five top reasons stating why Oracle Exadata is important for Business Continuity.

5 Reasons why Exadata is Important for Your Business Continuity | Netsoftmate

Oracle Exadata for Business

Information is an important component of a business and most of it is available in the databases that power the business’ growth. Cloud-ready Oracle Exadata makes sure that your business is getting the most from your valuable information. Exadata for business provides amplified database performance, improved efficiency and operational flexibility for your business strategy around IoT, digital transformation, or agile IT. It diminishes the complexity of your database infrastructure and arranges for cloud migration, improving effectiveness and efficiency and helping you show a financial return.

5 Reasons why Exadata is Important for Your Business Continuity | Netsoftmate

Enhance Business Operations

Database Management is a crucial effort and includes appropriate administration of database infrastructure. However, generic infrastructure can create problems that delay application deployment and query revert times, affecting business and revenue growth.

Oracle Exadata enhances business operations and makes application development teams more productive. It also ensures that database administrator teams become more efficient. It helps in providing more value by establishing new business applications quickly and getting data that supports business operations. Oracle Exadata also improves database management, accessibility and dependability to enhance business operations altogether.

5 Reasons why Exadata is Important for Your Business Continuity | Netsoftmate

Massively Reduce Capital Expenses

With increasing demand for more data storage, there are more chances of increasing complexity, greater costs and less efficiency. A larger data center requires more power, floor space to pay for without any assurance of error-free management.

Oracle engineered systems’ Exadata is an engineered system that delivers more database and application performance with less hardware and reduced licenses. This means, you can get increased productivity, better services and massively reduce capital expenses. Oracle Exadata makes it possible without any increase in headcount or IT specialization. It reduces capital expenditure and operational costs, so you get the most from Oracle Database licenses.

5 Reasons why Exadata is Important for Your Business Continuity | Netsoftmate

Deliver Greater Business Value

Oracle Exadata increases business value by reducing deployment time, delivering better performance and enabling deeper customer insights. The long-term costs of DIY infrastructure are 53% higher than the integrated Oracle Exadata system. It integrates exceptional capabilities and operational mechanization to enable extreme performance, and significant cost savings. It empowers a business to revolutionize, drive innovative digital transformations and deliver greater business value. According to IDC, Exadata delivers 94% less unplanned downtime with the help of its built-in resilience and redundancy. Oracle Engineered System’s Exadata is a single entity closed system, making it more secure by design, with integral encryption.

5 Reasons why Exadata is Important for Your Business Continuity | Netsoftmate

Get the Benefits of Cloud

Exadata Cloud Service delivers the most advanced database cloud by combining the world’s top database technology and Exadata. It is the most powerful database platform, with the simplicity, agility and resistance of a cloud-based deployment. Businesses can now access Oracle databases on Oracle Exadata without capital investments for IT infrastructure such as space, power, compute servers, storing, networks and software. Exadata Cloud Service is fully compatible with on-premises Oracle databases and all existing applications. With Exadata Cloud Service, businesses can easily embrace a pure cloud or hybrid cloud strategy. Choose the Oracle Engineered System’s Exadata Cloud Service that’s equal to an on-premises Exadata, but in a cloud form.

About Netsoftmate Technologies Inc.

Netsoftmate is an Oracle Gold Partner and a boutique IT services company specializing in installation, implementation and 24/7 support for Oracle Engineered Systems like Oracle Exadata, Oracle Database Appliance, Oracle ZDLRA, Oracle ZFS Storage and Oracle Private Cloud Appliance. Apart from OES, we have specialized teams of  experts providing round the clock remote database administration support for any type of database and cyber security compliance and auditing services.


Feel free to get in touch with us by signing up on the link below – 

Priority Suport for Oracle Engineered Systems | Netsoftmate

Database Management Services, Oracle Databases, Oracle Exadata, Oracle Exadata X8M

Oracle has provided the to verify if the rack is cabled correctly for Transport Layer systems based on a RDMA over Converged Ethernet (RoCE) Network Layer network on Exadata Database Machine X8M-2/X8M-8 and later hardware.


Here is the step by step procedure to verify RoCE cabling on Oracle Exadata X8M Database Machine.


Exadata Infrastrure details:


Exadata Model : Exadata X8M-2 half rack

Exadata Software version:


Step 1: Download 30323660 for your Exadata smart software. In my case I have downloaded it for 19.3.3


Step 2: Copy the patch to staging area and unzip


[root@dm01db01 ~]# cd /u01/app/oracle/software


[root@dm01db01 software]# ls -l

total 8

-rw-r–r– 1 root root 8143 Feb 10 08:12


[root@dm01db01 software]# unzip




  inflating: README.txt


[root@dm01db01 software]# ls -ltr

total 40

-r-xr-xr-x 1 root root  2895 Oct  1 17:38

-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 22637 Jan 28 07:51

-rw-r–r– 1 root root   673 Jan 28 08:45 README.txt

-rw-r–r– 1 root root  8143 Feb 10 08:12



Step 3: Read the readme.html file carefully



Step 4: setup password-less ssh to RoCE switches


[root@dm01db01 software]# ./ dm01sw-rocea01

enter switch ‘dm01sw-rocea01’ ‘admin’ password:

checking if ‘dm01sw-rocea01’ is reachable… [OK]

setting up SSH equivalency for ‘admin’ on ‘dm01sw-rocea01’… [OK]


[root@dm01db01 software]# ./ dm01sw-roceb01

enter switch ‘dm01sw-roceb01’ ‘admin’ password:

checking if ‘dm01sw-roceb01’ is reachable… [OK]

setting up SSH equivalency for ‘admin’ on ‘dm01sw-roceb01’… [OK]



Step 5: setup passwordless ssh to all compute nodes and storage cells


[root@dm01db01 software]# cd /opt/oracle.SupportTools/


[root@dm01db01 oracle.SupportTools]# ls -ltr

-r-xr-x— 1 root root 1518 Dec 11 22:53


[root@dm01db01 oracle.SupportTools]# ./ ~/all_group root welcome1



[root@dm01db01 oracle.SupportTools]# dcli -g ~/all_group -l root uptime

dm01cel01: 09:11:46 up 5 days, 21:30,  0 users,  load average: 2.44, 2.31, 2.05

dm01cel02: 09:11:46 up 5 days, 21:30,  0 users,  load average: 2.31, 1.74, 1.97

dm01cel03: 09:11:46 up 5 days, 21:30,  0 users,  load average: 2.97, 2.67, 2.60

dm01cel04: 09:11:46 up 5 days, 21:30,  0 users,  load average: 2.78, 1.95, 1.71

dm01cel05: 09:11:46 up 5 days, 21:30,  0 users,  load average: 3.83, 2.54, 2.05

dm01cel06: 09:11:46 up 5 days, 21:30,  0 users,  load average: 0.82, 1.30, 1.68

dm01cel07: 09:11:46 up 5 days, 21:30,  0 users,  load average: 1.55, 1.67, 1.71

dm01db01: 09:11:46 up 5 days, 21:37,  1 user,  load average: 0.63, 0.48, 0.39

dm01db02: 09:11:46 up 5 days, 21:36,  0 users,  load average: 0.23, 0.39, 0.34

dm01db03: 09:11:46 up 5 days, 21:36,  0 users,  load average: 0.41, 0.32, 0.34

dm01db04: 09:11:46 up 5 days, 21:36,  0 users,  load average: 0.19, 0.32, 0.29



Step 6: Create the file with compute nodes and storage cells in the formate given below


Lines in in nodes_list should be of format

adm<num>: <db1-hostname>


celadm<num>: <cell1-hostname>



[root@dm01db01 ~]# cat nodes_list

adm01: dm01db01

adm02: dm01db02

adm03: dm01db03

adm04: dm01db04

celadm01: dm01cel01

celadm02: dm01cel02

celadm03: dm01cel03

celadm04: dm01cel04

celadm05: dm01cel05

celadm06: dm01cel06

celadm07: dm01cel07


[root@dm01db01 ~]# cat roce_list


dm01sw-roceb01eBook - Oracle Exadata X8M Patching Recipes | Netsoftmate

Step 7: Execute the RoCE Verify tool


[root@dm01db01 software]# cd /u01/app/oracle/software


[root@dm01db01 software]# ./ -n ~/nodes_list -s ~/roce_list

Enter dm01sw-rocea01 admin password

User Access Verification

Enter dm01sw-roceb01 admin password

User Access Verification

Enter dm01sw-rocea01 admin password

User Access Verification

Enter dm01sw-roceb01 admin password

User Access Verification

SWITCH PORT (EXPECTED PEER)                      LEAF-1 (dm01sw-rocea01) : CABLE OK?                    LEAF-2 (dm01sw-roceb01) : CABLE OK?

———– —————             ——————————– : ——–            ——————————– : ———

    Eth1/4 (ISL peer switch)   :               dm01sw-roceb01 Ethernet1/4 : OK                       dm01sw-rocea01 Ethernet1/4 : OK

    Eth1/5 (ISL peer switch)   :               dm01sw-roceb01 Ethernet1/5 : OK                         dm01sw-rocea01 Ethernet1/5 : OK

    Eth1/6 (ISL peer switch)   :               dm01sw-roceb01 Ethernet1/6 : OK                         dm01sw-rocea01 Ethernet1/6 : OK

    Eth1/7 (ISL peer switch)   :               dm01sw-roceb01 Ethernet1/7 : OK                         dm01sw-rocea01 Ethernet1/7 : OK

    Eth1/8 ()                  :                                       – : –                                                  – : –

    Eth1/9 ()                  :                                       – : –                                                  – : –

   Eth1/10 ()                  :                                       – : –                                                  – : –

   Eth1/11 ()                  :                                       – : –                                                  – : –

   Eth1/12 ()                  :                                       – : –                                                  – : –

   Eth1/13 ()                  :                                       – : –                                                  – : –

   Eth1/14 ()                  :                                       – : –                                                  – : –

   Eth1/15 ()                  :                                       – : –                                                  – : –

   Eth1/16 ()                  :                                       – : –                                                  – : –

   Eth1/17 ()                  :                                       – : –                                                  – : –

   Eth1/18 ()                  :                                       – : –                                                  – : –

   Eth1/19 (adm04)             :                         dm01db04 port-1 : OK                                   dm01db04 port-2 : OK

   Eth1/20 (adm03)             :                         dm01db03 port-1 : OK                                   dm01db03 port-2 : OK

   Eth1/21 (adm02)             :                         dm01db02 port-1 : OK                                   dm01db02 port-2 : OK

   Eth1/22 (adm01)             :                         dm01db01 port-1 : OK                                   dm01db01 port-2 : OK

   Eth1/23 (celadm07)          :                        dm01cel07 port-1 : OK                                  dm01cel07 port-2 : OK

   Eth1/24 (celadm06)          :                        dm01cel06 port-1 : OK                                  dm01cel06 port-2 : OK

   Eth1/25 (celadm05)          :                        dm01cel05 port-1 : OK                                  dm01cel05 port-2 : OK

   Eth1/26 (celadm04)          :                        dm01cel04 port-1 : OK                                  dm01cel04 port-2 : OK

   Eth1/27 (celadm03)          :                        dm01cel03 port-1 : OK                                  dm01cel03 port-2 : OK

   Eth1/28 (celadm02)          :                        dm01cel02 port-1 : OK                                  dm01cel02 port-2 : OK

   Eth1/29 (celadm01)          :                        dm01cel01 port-1 : OK                                  dm01cel01 port-2 : OK

   Eth1/30 (ISL peer switch)   :             dm01sw-roceb01 Ethernet1/30 : OK                         dm01sw-rocea01 Ethernet1/30 : OK

   Eth1/31 (ISL peer switch)   :              dm01sw-roceb01 Ethernet1/31 : OK                        dm01sw-rocea01 Ethernet1/31 : OK

   Eth1/32 (ISL peer switch)   :              dm01sw-roceb01 Ethernet1/32 : OK                        dm01sw-rocea01 Ethernet1/32 : OK

   Eth1/33 (ISL peer switch)   :              dm01sw-roceb01 Ethernet1/33 : OK                        dm01sw-rocea01 Ethernet1/33 : OK



From the above output we can see the cabling is OK  which means it is good. There are no errors/failure reported for cabling.


The following states are applicable for “CABLE OK”


OK : Cabling looks good

SWAPPED : Cables have been crossed on same host

FAIL : Cabling check failed due to cabling error, discovery issues, etc.

 – : If any of the table entry has a ‘-‘, it can be treated as a don’t care or not applicable





In this article we have learned how to verify the cabling for Transport Layer systems based on a RDMA over Converged Ethernet (RoCE) Network Layer network on Exadata Database Machine X8M-2/X8M-8 and later hardware.

Have more queries related Exadata Database Machines?  Get in touch with Netsoftmate’s Oracle Engineered Systems experts to get the best solution on how to implement and maintain your Oracle Exadata Database Machines. Sign-up for a 30 mins free consultation by clicking the image below –

Expert Support for Oracle Exadata | Netsoftmate

Database Management Services, Oracle Database Appliance - ODA, Oracle Database Management Solution, Oracle Databases, Remote Database Management, Technology Consulting Services

September 2019 Oracle announced Oracle Database Appliance X8-2 (Small, Medium and HA). ODA X8-2 comes with more computing resources compared with X7-2 Models.

Let’s take a quick look at few benefits of ODA followed by the technical specification on ODA X8-2 Small/Medium and HA.

Oracle Database Appliance is an Engineered System. Software, server, storage, and networking, all co-engineered and optimized to run Oracle Database and applications.

Benefits of Oracle Database Appliance (ODA):

  1. Software, server, storage, and networking engineered and optimized to run Oracle Database and applications.

  2. Supports Oracle Database Standard Edition, Standard Edition One, Standard Edition 2, and Enterprise Edition. Optimized for Cloud.

  3. Capacity on Demand Licensing – Reduced Cost.

  4. Ease of deployment, patching, management, and support.

  5. Increased performance and reliability with NVMe flash storage.

  6. Reliable hardware architecture with redundant power, cooling, networking, and storage.

  7. Browser User Interface (BUI)

In this article we will compare the technical specifications of ODA X8-2 model family (Small, Medium and HA). This comparison table comes handy when you want to quickly take a look at the resources available for a given model.


For more information on the technical specification loot at the ODA X8-2 HA and Small/Medium Data Sheet at:


ODA X8-2 Small

ODA X8-2 Medium


Database Server




Storage Shelf



1 4U DE3-24C Storage Shelf per System

Optional Second Storage Shelf for Expansion

Rack Size

1 2RU Server

1 2RU Server

2 2RU Servers & 1 4U Storage Shelf


One 16-core Intel Xeon Gold 5218

Two 16-core Intel Xeon Gold 5218

Two 16-core Intel Xeon Gold 5218 Per Server

Physical Memory

192 GB

Expandable to 384 GB

384 GB

Expandable to 768 GB

384 GB

Expandable to 768 GB per server


Two 6.4 TB NVMe SSDs

12.8 TB (raw)

Base: Two 6.4 TB NVMe SSDs

12.8 TB (raw)

Base: Six 7.68 TB SSDs

46 TB (raw)

Storage Expansion

Not expandable

Expandable up to 76.8 TB (raw)

Expandable up to 369 TB SSD or up to 92 TB SSD / 504 TB HDD (Raw)


4 x 10GBase-T ports (RJ45) expandable up to 12 x 10GBase-T ports or

2 x 10/25 GbE ports (SFP28) expandable up to 6 x 10/25 GbE ports

4 x 10GBase-T ports (RJ45) expandable up to 12 x 10GBase-T ports or

2 x 10/25 GbE ports (SFP28) expandable up to 6 x 10/25 GbE ports

4 x 10GBase-T ports (RJ45) expandable up to 12 x 10GBase-T ports or

2 x 10/25 GbE ports (SFP28) expandable up to 6 x 10/25 GbE ports

Oracle Database

Oracle Database 18c/19c EE & SE 2

Oracle Database 12c R1/R2 EE & SE 2

Oracle Database 11g R2 EE, SE & SE 1

Oracle Database 18c/19c EE & SE 2

Oracle Database 12c R1/R2 EE & SE 2

Oracle Database 11g R2 EE, SE & SE 1

Oracle Database 18c/19c EE & SE 2

Oracle Database 12c R1/R2 EE & SE 2

Oracle Database 11g R2 EE, SE & SE 1

Database Deployment

Single Instance

Single Instance

Single Instance, RAC & RAC One node


Oracle Linux KVM

Oracle Linux KVM

Oracle VM & Oracle Linux KVM

Operating System

Oracle Linux

Oracle Linux

Oracle Linux

Are you and your team considering setting up Oracle Database Appliance? Let Netsoftmate help you choose the right product keeping under consideration your budget, requirement and usage forecasting. Click on the image below to sign-up NOW!


Database Management Services, Oracle Database Appliance - ODA, Oracle Database Management Solution, Oracle Databases, Remote Database Management, Technology Consulting Services
In September 2019, Oracle announced Oracle Database Appliance X8-2 (Small, Medium and HA). ODA X8-2 comes with more computing resources compared with X7-2 Models.

Let’s take a quick look at few benefits of ODA followed by the technical specification on ODA X8-2 Small/Medium and HA.

Oracle Database Appliance is an Engineered System. Software, server, storage, and networking, all co-engineered and optimized to run Oracle Database and applications.

Benefits of Oracle Database Appliance (ODA):

  1. Software, server, storage, and networking engineered and optimized to run Oracle Database and applications.
  2. Supports Oracle Database Standard Edition, Standard Edition One, Standard Edition 2, and Enterprise Edition.
  3. Optimized for Cloud
  4. Capacity on Demand Licensing – Reduced Cost
  5. Ease of deployment, patching, management, and support
  6. Increased performance and reliability with NVMe flash storage
  7. Reliable hardware architecture with redundant power, cooling, networking, and storage
  8. Browser User Interface (BUI)

Oracle Database Appliance X8-2 HA Benefits & Technical specification

  1. Support mission-critical applications and consolidation of many databases
  2. Built for high availability
  3. Choice of high-performance flash or high-capacity drives
  4. 32 cores per server (64 cores in total for 2 servers)
  5. 384 GB physical memory per server expandable upto 768 (1.5 TB memory in total for 2 servers)
  6. Storage Shelf
  7. High Capacity: 46 TB SSD and 252 TB SDD raw capacity per shelf
  8. High Performance: 184 TB SSD raw capacity per shelf
  9. Choice of 10GBase-T or 10/25 GbE SFP28 public networking
  10. 25GbE interconnect for cluster communication

For more information on the technical specification loot at the ODA X8-2 HA Data Sheet at:


  • Oracle Database Appliance X8-2 Small Technical specification

  1. One server
  2. 1 Intel Xeon processor, 16 Cores
  3. 192GB Physical memory expandable upto 384GB
  4. Choice of 10GBase-T or 10/25 GbE SFP28 public networking
  5. 12.8TB NVMe raw storage

Oracle Database Appliance X8-2 Medium Technical specification

  1. One server
  2. 2 Intel Xeon processor, 32 Cores
  3. 384 GB Physical memory expandable upto 768GB
  4. Choice of 10GBase-T or 10/25 GbE SFP28 public networking
  5. 12.8 TB NVMe raw storage capacity with optional expansion to 76.8 TB NVMe raw storage

For more information on the technical specification loot at the ODA X8-2 S/M Data Sheet at:


In this article we seen the benefits and the technical specification of latest Oracle Database Appliance X8 model family. ODA is the right choice for all type of Businesses as an on-premises solution and cloud ready option.

Are you and your team considering setting up Oracle Database Appliance? Let Netsoftmate help you choose the right product keeping under consideration your budget, requirement and usage forecasting. Click on the image below to sign-up NOW!


Cloud Services, Oracle Database Management Solution, Oracle Databases, Oracle Exadata

  • What is Oracle Autonomous Database?

    Oracle Autonomous Database allows you rapidly & easily create mission critical databases, It protects data from both external and internal threats, automates all infrastructure & database maintenance, recovers from any failure without downtime and scales online for highest performance & lower cost.

    Components of Oracle Autonomous Database:

    An Oracle Autonomous database comprises of 3 components:

    Oracle Exadata
    Oracle database
    Automated Data Center Operations and Machine Learning


    How Does Oracle Database Works:

    An Oracle Autonomous Database is self driving, self securing and self repairing.

  • Self Driving: It Automates all databases and infrastructure management, Patching, tune Queries and Monitoring

  • Self Securing: Protects database from both external and malicious internal users by automatically encrypting data both at rest and in transit

  • Self Repairing: Automatically recover from any failure. Protects from all downtime including planned maintenance

    Machine Learning:

    Automation  built up on the revolutionary machine learning platform enables the Customers with greater database autonomy and capabilities.

  • Workload Optimization: Automatically adapts to the changing workload and optimization of query execution. So Customers doesn’t have to tune queries manually.

  • Monitoring & Diagnostics: Detects anomalies and fixes issues ensuring optimal performance and availability. So Customers doesn’t have to install or waiting for monitoring and alerting notification.

  • Security: Protects database from both external attacks and malicious internal users by automatically encrypting data and apply security updates.


    Oracle Autonomous Database Family:

  • Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse (ADW): It is optimized for Data Warehouse, Data Mart & Data lake. Easy provision, connect, load data and execute queries.

  • Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing (ATP): It is optimized for Transaction processing, batch, Report, Mixed workload, IoT & Application Development. Easy provision, connect, load data and execute queries.


    Benefits of Autonomous Database:

  • Fast Provisioning: Create the database in minutes, load data & execute queries
  • Autonomous: Automatically tune queries without DBA intervention
  • Extreme Performance: Run Oracle workload up to 13x faster on Oracle Exadata

    Steps to create an Autonomous Database:

    It just takes 4 steps to create an Autonomous Database (DW, Data mart or OLTP) and in few minutes the customers can have Autonomous database ready to connect and load data and start using it. 

    Migrating to Oracle Autonomous Database:

  • Oracle Database is same in the cloud as on-premises. You can move it to the cloud without having to change application code.Quickly obtain environments for testing and development. Take on-premises data, move onto the cloud storage for fast analysis, backup or archiving. Get an enterprise production ready database in minutes for fast migration to cloud. Tuning, patching, backup, disaster recovery, high availability for them automatically.

    Oracle Autonomous database Security Capabilities:

  • Autonomous database automatically applies patches and upgrades eliminating human error, keeping the system protected. Oracle Database Vault protects the database from internal administrator access, allows administrators to perform their job, but not access the data itself. By default, Oracle Autonomous database uses TDE to protect data at rest. It also protects data in transit when the client uses SSL/TLS 1.2.

    Oracle Autonomous Database Deployment option:

  • Autonomous Database Serverless: Simple & Elastic. Oracle automates and manages everything. You just choose the compute , storage and region. Start with minimum 1 OCPU & 1 hour minimum commitment time and Instantly grow or shrink online.

  • Autonomous Database Dedicated: Provides a Private database cloud running on a dedicated Exadata cloud infrastructure in the Public cloud. Highly isolated and Customizable operation policies. Available as Cloud at Customer solution.

    Which Autonomous Database Deployment is best for me?

    Regardless of which Autonomous Database deployment you chose you will get the same great features, functionality, security and performance you have grown to expect from the Oracle Database.

    For users that are simply looking for a database for a specific application or project and don’t want to be involved in choosing any database details like versions, patching, etc., Serverless is right choice. Whereas users that want to rethink their IT strategy and care about things like patching schedules, software versions, workload isolation, and want to be involved in choosing these, then Dedicated is the right choice.


    In this article we have learned about Oracle Autonomous database cloud, its components, benefits and capabilities and different autonomous database deployment options available.


Database Management Services, Oracle Database Management Solution, Oracle Databases, Oracle Exadata
You will end up performing storage cell rescue under the following situations:

  • Improper Battery Replacement
  • Improper Card Seating
  • Card Damage During Battery Replacement
  • Corrupted Root File System

In this article we will demonstrate step by step process to Rescue an Exadata Storage Cell or server.
Open a browser and enter the ILOM hostname or IP address of the Storage cell you want to rescue
Enter root crendentials

On the left pane under “Remote Control”, click “Redirection”. Select “Use video redirection” and click “Launch Remote Console” button

Click OK
 Click OK

Click Continue

Click Run

Click Continue (not recommended)

From the ILOM video console we can see that the root file system can’t be mounted due to corruption and it will be rebooted again in 60 seconds

On the left pane under “Host Management” click on “Power Control”. From the drop down list Select “Power Cycle”

Click Save

Click OK

Rebooting in progress

Server is no rebooting

Immediately press Ctrl+S on keyboard 

Select the “CELL_USB_BOOT_CELLBOOT_usb_in_rescue_mode

At the point, we will have continue the rescue process using serial ILOM

As root, ssh to the storage cell ILOM and start the serial console

Enter r and hit return

Enter y and hit return

Enter the rescue password sos1exadata. Enter n and hit return

Enter the root user password 

We are into the rescue mode. At this moment check to make sure that the there are no file system issue. Fix any other issue you may have. Consult Oracle if required
Reboot the server again to complete the rescue process

Hit return

The server is powered off

Power on the server using web ILOM as shown below

Rescue process is completed and we got the root login prompt

Login to the server as root user and perform the post rescue steps

Verify the image version of the storage cell

Post Storage Cell Rescue steps:
[root@dm01cel02 ~]# imageinfo

Kernel version: 4.1.12-94.8.4.el6uek.x86_64 #2 SMP Sat May 5 16:14:51 PDT 2018 x86_64
Cell version: OSS_18.
Cell rpm version: cell-

Active image version:
Active image kernel version: 4.1.12-94.8.4.el6uek
Active image activated: 2019-03-17 03:27:41 -0500
Active image status: success
Active system partition on device: /dev/md5
Active software partition on device: /dev/md7

Cell boot usb partition: /dev/sdm1
Cell boot usb version:

Inactive image version: undefined
Rollback to the inactive partitions: Impossible

CellCLI> import celldisk all force
No cell disks qualified for this import operation

CellCLI> list physicaldisk
         12:0            PST0XV          normal
         12:1            PZNDSV          normal
         12:2            PT5Z4V          normal
         12:3            PU3XLV          normal
         12:4            PYAKLV          normal
         12:5            PV828V          normal
         12:6            PZE5NV          normal
         12:7            PYV0YV          normal
         12:8            PZKUXV          normal
         12:9            PYD86V          normal
         12:10           PZL15V          normal
         12:11           PZPLAV          normal
         FLASH_1_1       S2T7NCAHA00958  normal
         FLASH_2_1       S2T7NCAHA00986  normal
         FLASH_4_1       S2T7NCAHA00956  normal
         FLASH_5_1       S2T7NCAHA00947  normal

CellCLI> list celldisk
         CD_00_dm01cel02        normal
         CD_01_dm01cel02        normal
         CD_02_dm01cel02        normal
         CD_03_dm01cel02        normal
         CD_04_dm01cel02        normal
         CD_05_dm01cel02        normal
         CD_06_dm01cel02        normal
         CD_07_dm01cel02        normal
         CD_08_dm01cel02        normal
         CD_09_dm01cel02        normal
         CD_10_dm01cel02        normal
         CD_11_dm01cel02        normal
         FD_00_dm01cel02        normal
         FD_01_dm01cel02        normal
         FD_02_dm01cel02        normal
         FD_03_dm01cel02        normal

CellCLI> list griddisk
         DATA_DM01_CD_00_dm01cel02     active
         DATA_DM01_CD_01_dm01cel02     active
         DATA_DM01_CD_02_dm01cel02     active
         DATA_DM01_CD_03_dm01cel02     active
         DATA_DM01_CD_04_dm01cel02     active
         DATA_DM01_CD_05_dm01cel02     active
         DATA_DM01_CD_06_dm01cel02     active
         DATA_DM01_CD_07_dm01cel02     active
         DATA_DM01_CD_08_dm01cel02     active
         DATA_DM01_CD_09_dm01cel02     active
         DATA_DM01_CD_10_dm01cel02     active
         DATA_DM01_CD_11_dm01cel02     active
         DBFS_DG_CD_02_dm01cel02       active
         DBFS_DG_CD_03_dm01cel02       active
         DBFS_DG_CD_04_dm01cel02       active
         DBFS_DG_CD_05_dm01cel02       active
         DBFS_DG_CD_06_dm01cel02       active
         DBFS_DG_CD_07_dm01cel02       active
         DBFS_DG_CD_08_dm01cel02       active
         DBFS_DG_CD_09_dm01cel02       active
         DBFS_DG_CD_10_dm01cel02       active
         DBFS_DG_CD_11_dm01cel02       active
         RECO_DM01_CD_00_dm01cel02     active
         RECO_DM01_CD_01_dm01cel02     active
         RECO_DM01_CD_02_dm01cel02     active
         RECO_DM01_CD_03_dm01cel02     active
         RECO_DM01_CD_04_dm01cel02     active
         RECO_DM01_CD_05_dm01cel02     active
         RECO_DM01_CD_06_dm01cel02     active
         RECO_DM01_CD_07_dm01cel02     active
         RECO_DM01_CD_08_dm01cel02     active
         RECO_DM01_CD_09_dm01cel02     active
         RECO_DM01_CD_10_dm01cel02     active
         RECO_DM01_CD_11_dm01cel02     active

[root@dm01cel02 ~]# cellcli -e list flashcache detail
         name:                   dm01cel02_FLASHCACHE
         cellDisk:               FD_03_dm01cel02,FD_01_dm01cel02,FD_02_dm01cel02,FD_00_dm01cel02
         creationTime:           2019-03-17T03:19:43-05:00
         effectiveCacheSize:     11.64312744140625T
         id:                     574c3bd1-7a35-42ba-a03b-75f3a93edac7
         size:                   11.64312744140625T
         status:                 normal

[root@dm01cel02 ~]# cellcli -e list flashlog detail
         name:                   dm01cel02_FLASHLOG
         cellDisk:               FD_03_dm01cel02,FD_00_dm01cel02,FD_01_dm01cel02,FD_02_dm01cel02
         creationTime:           2019-03-17T03:19:43-05:00
         effectiveSize:          512M
         efficiency:             100.0
         id:                     73cd8288-c6d8-42c3-95a1-97ce287cf7d0
         size:                   512M
         status:                 normal
SQL> select,b.path,b.state,b.mode_status,b.failgroup
    from v$asm_diskgroup a, v$asm_disk b
    where a.group_number=b.group_number
    and b.failgroup=’dm01cel02′
    order by 2,1;

no rows selected

SQL> alter diskgroup DBFS_DG add disk ‘o/;*_dm01cel02’ force;

Diskgroup altered.

SQL> alter diskgroup DATA_DM01 add disk ‘o/;*_dm01cel02’ force;

Diskgroup altered.

SQL> alter diskgroup RECO_DM01 add disk ‘o/;*_dm01cel02’ force;

Diskgroup altered.

SQL> select * from v$asm_operation;

———— —– —- ———- ———- ———- ———- ———- ———– ——————————————–
           1 REBAL RUN           4          4     204367    3521267      13041         254
           3 REBAL WAIT          4

SQL> select * from v$asm_operation;

no rows selected

SQL> col path for a70
SQL> set lines 200
SQL> set pages 200
SQL> select,b.path,b.state,b.mode_status,b.failgroup
    from v$asm_diskgroup a, v$asm_disk b
    where a.group_number=b.group_number
    and b.failgroup=’dm01cel02′
    order by 2,1;  2    3    4    5

NAME                           PATH                                                                   STATE    MODE_ST FAILGROUP
—————————— ———————————————————————- ——– ——- ——————————
DATA_DM01                     o/;              NORMAL   ONLINE  dm01cel02
DATA_DM01                     o/;              NORMAL   ONLINE  dm01cel02
DATA_DM01                     o/;              NORMAL   ONLINE  dm01cel02
DATA_DM01                     o/;              NORMAL   ONLINE  dm01cel02
DATA_DM01                     o/;              NORMAL   ONLINE  dm01cel02
DATA_DM01                     o/;              NORMAL   ONLINE  dm01cel02
DATA_DM01                     o/;              NORMAL   ONLINE  dm01cel02
DATA_DM01                     o/;              NORMAL   ONLINE  dm01cel02
DATA_DM01                     o/;              NORMAL   ONLINE  dm01cel02
DATA_DM01                     o/;              NORMAL   ONLINE  dm01cel02
DATA_DM01                     o/;              NORMAL   ONLINE  dm01cel02
DATA_DM01                     o/;              NORMAL   ONLINE  dm01cel02
DBFS_DG                        o/;                 NORMAL   ONLINE  dm01cel02
DBFS_DG                        o/;                 NORMAL   ONLINE  dm01cel02
DBFS_DG                        o/;                 NORMAL   ONLINE  dm01cel02
DBFS_DG                        o/;                 NORMAL   ONLINE  dm01cel02
DBFS_DG                        o/;                 NORMAL   ONLINE  dm01cel02
DBFS_DG                        o/;                 NORMAL   ONLINE  dm01cel02
DBFS_DG                        o/;                 NORMAL   ONLINE  dm01cel02
DBFS_DG                        o/;                 NORMAL   ONLINE  dm01cel02
DBFS_DG                        o/;                 NORMAL   ONLINE  dm01cel02
DBFS_DG                        o/;                 NORMAL   ONLINE  dm01cel02
RECO_DM01                     o/;              NORMAL   ONLINE  dm01cel02
RECO_DM01                     o/;              NORMAL   ONLINE  dm01cel02
RECO_DM01                     o/;              NORMAL   ONLINE  dm01cel02
RECO_DM01                     o/;              NORMAL   ONLINE  dm01cel02
RECO_DM01                     o/;              NORMAL   ONLINE  dm01cel02
RECO_DM01                     o/;              NORMAL   ONLINE  dm01cel02
RECO_DM01                     o/;              NORMAL   ONLINE  dm01cel02
RECO_DM01                     o/;              NORMAL   ONLINE  dm01cel02
RECO_DM01                     o/;              NORMAL   ONLINE  dm01cel02
RECO_DM01                     o/;              NORMAL   ONLINE  dm01cel02
RECO_DM01                     o/;              NORMAL   ONLINE  dm01cel02
RECO_DM01                     o/;              NORMAL   ONLINE  dm01cel02

34 rows selected.

In this article we have demonstrated step by step procedure to perform Storage Cell Rescue. You may have to perform the Storage cell rescue for multiple reasons such as root file system corrupted, Kernel panic, server rebooting continuously and so on. With the help of CELLBOOT usb one can perform the storage cell rescue very easily.

Database Management Services, Oracle Database Appliance - ODA, Oracle Database Management Solution, Oracle Databases, Remote Database Management, Uncategorized

ODA is basically a 2-node RAC cluster database system running Oracle Linux operating (OEL), Oracle Database Enterprise Edition or Standard Edition, Oracle Grid Infrastructure (Clusterware and ASM). All these together provides the Oracle Database high availability running on ODA.

In 2016, Oracle added 3 new models to expand Oracle Database Appliance portfolio. These 3 new models are:
  • Oracle Database Appliance X6-2S (single-instance database)
  • Oracle Database Appliance X6-2M (single-instance database)
  • Oracle Database Appliance X6-2L (single-instance database)
The High Available ODA X6-2 is now known as X6-2 HA which consists of 2 nodes and a storage shelf and optionally an additional storage shelf.

In October 2017, Oracle announced Oracle Database Appliance X7-2 (Small, Medium and HA). ODA X7-2 comes with more computing resources compared with X6-2 Models.

  • Oracle Database Appliance X7-2S (single-instance database)
  • Oracle Database Appliance X7-2M (single-instance database)
  • Oracle Database Appliance X7-2 HA
With ODA X7-2, the ODA Large configuration is discontinued.
With the different model families there is always a confusion that which command line tool to be used for managing, monitoring and administrating Oracle Database Appliance.
In this article we will explain different command line tools that can be used to manage and administer an Oracle Database Appliance Small, Medium, Large and HA models for both Bare Metal and Virtualized Platform environment.
Let’s look at the different command line tools available:
OAKCLI: oakcli stands for Oracle Appliance Kit Command Line Interface. oakcli utility is used to manage Oracle Database Appliance. It used to carry out management tasks such as, Deploying, Patching, validating, monitoring, troubleshooting, Create Database, create database homes, configuring core key, manage Virtual machines and so on.

ODACLI: It is used for Hardware and administrative tasks on the Oracle Database Appliance, Example: Hardware monitoring and Storage Configuration

ODAADMICLI: It is used for everyday task on the Oracle Database Appliance, Example: Database Creation, Patches and upgrades, Job creation and manage and so on.

The following table provides a quick reference on when to use oakcli Vs. odacli/odaadmcli
  • For Oracle Database Appliance software version or older use the tools as shown in the following table
ODA X6-2 S, M, L
ODA X3-2
ODA X7-2 S, M
ODA X4-2
ODA X7-2 HA (Bare Metal only) 
ODA X5-2
ODA X7-2 HA (VM Only)

  • For Oracle Database Appliance software version and later user the tools as shown in the following table

All hardware versions running Virtualized platform
All hardware versions running Bare Metal (physical)

Examples using oakcli, odacli and odaadmcli:
[root@odanode1 ~]# odacli describe-appliance
Appliance Information
                     ID: 9aef262c-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-0d877c03d762
               Platform: ODA
        Data Disk Count: 2
         CPU Core Count: 10
                Created: May 23, 2017 3:08:03 AM CST
System Information
                   Name: odanode
            Domain Name:
              Time Zone: Asia/Pacific
             DB Edition: EE
            DNS Servers:
            NTP Servers:
Disk Group Information
DG Name                   Redundancy                Percentage
————————- ————————- ————
Data                      Normal                    80
Reco                      Normal                    20
[root@odanode1 ~]# odaadmcli show disk
        NAME            PATH            TYPE            STATE           STATE_DETAILS
        pd_00           /dev/nvme0n1    NVD             ONLINE          Good
        pd_01           /dev/nvme1n1    NVD             ONLINE          Good
[root@odanode1 ~]# odaadmcli show diskgroup
[root@odanode1 ~]# odaadmcli show env_hw
BM ODA X6-2 Small
[root@odanode1 ~]# odaadmcli show storage
==== BEGIN STORAGE DUMP ========
Host Description: Oracle Corporation:ORACLE SERVER X6-2
Total number of controllers: 2
        Id          = 0
        Pci Slot    = 10
        Serial Num  = xxxxxxxxxx
        Vendor      = Samsung
        Model       = MS1PC2DD3ORA3.2T
        FwVers      = KPYABR3Q
        strId       = nvme:19:00.00
        Pci Address = 19:00.0
        Id          = 1
        Pci Slot    = 11
        Serial Num  = xxxxxxxxxxx
        Vendor      = Samsung
        Model       = MS1PC2DD3ORA3.2T
        FwVers      = KPYABR3Q
        strId       = nvme:1b:00.00
        Pci Address = 1b:00.0
Total number of expanders: 0
Total number of PDs: 2
        /dev/nvme0n1    Samsung           NVD 3200gb slot:  0  pci : 19
        /dev/nvme1n1    Samsung           NVD 3200gb slot:  1  pci : 1b
==== END STORAGE DUMP =========
[root@odanode1 ~]# oakcli show env_hw
Public interface : COPPER
[root@odanode1 ~]# oakcli show oda_base
ODA base domain
ODA base CPU cores :36
ODA base domain memory :362
ODA base template :/OVS/template.tar.gz
ODA base vlans :[‘priv1’, ‘net1’]
ODA base current status :Running
[root@odanode1 ~]# oakcli show env_hw
VM-oda_base ODA X7-2 HA

In this article we have learned about Oracle Database Appliance X6-2 and X7-2 model family. Also, we have learned when to use different ODA command lines tools such as oakcli, odacli and odaadmcli to manage and administer an Oracle Database Appliance.

eBook - Oracle Exadata X8M Patching Recipes | Netsoftmate

Database Management Services, Oracle Databases, Oracle Exadata
In this article we will demonstrate quick steps to deploy Exadata Database Machine in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI). 


  • Exadata Cloud Subscription
  • Credentials to Login Oracle Cloud
  • Access to Deploy Exadata in OCI
  • Compartment
  • VCN & Subnet

Steps to Deploy Exadata on OCI

  • Open a browser and enter the URL you have received from Oracle to connect to the Oracle Cloud

  • Enter your Oracle Cloud credentials

  • Click on “Create Instance”

  • Click on “All Services” and search for Exadata keyword. Click on Create.

  • Select your “Compartment” on left and Click on “Launch DB System”

  • Enter the details as per your requirement and the Exadata subscription procured

  • Browse and upload the public key

  • Choose your desired storage allocation and timezone

  • Fill in the required VCN and Subnet details. Work with your network engineer to gather the correct details on VCN and Subnet created for your environment

  • Fill the database details, name, version, CDB and Password

  • Select the Workload type and database character set for your database

  • Optionally specify the TAG Key and click “Launch DB System” to deploy Exadata DBM


In this article we have learned how to deploy an Exadata Database Machine in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI).

Expert Support for Oracle Exadata | Netsoftmate


Database Management Services, Oracle Database Management Solution, Oracle Databases, Oracle Exadata

An engineered system comprising of Compute Nodes, Storage Cells and Infiniband  – all of it packaged inside a single physical cabinet called “Exadata Rack

Exadata Hardware Generation At A Glance


Exadata Database Machine X8-2



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